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What is Geocamp?

GEOCAMP is a website for field activities in Geology. It is a free access web that is made available to teachers and students who use field practices as a teaching or learning tool. It can also be interesting for people who are fond of Earth Sciences who wish to carry out activities of regional recognition.

GEOCAMP was born in 2002 from the initiative of a group of Geology teachers from several Catalan universities (UAB, UdG, UPC) interested in sharing a multimedia support that allows access to information and didactic resources that facilitate the realization of the practices of Geology in the field.

GEOCAMP is divided into two main sections: Field work and Geologuides.

The field work is divided into three blocks:

  • Preparing the fieldtrip includes a set of information and links on the aspects to consider in the preparation of the field activity: choice of place, means of transport, weather forecast, necessary material, etc. There are also educational materials on topographic maps, and geological maps.
  • Working in the field addresses the methodological aspects that facilitate work in a rocky outcrop. It provides the guidelines for observation, description and interpretation of the geological reality that are typical of Geology professionals and that can also be used to get a good performance from the outputs. The section is completed with a set of safety recommendations to minimize the risks of people doing field work.
  • After the fieldtrip, offers some proposals for a final report of the field trip.

The Geologuides section allows:

  • Search, consult, download and evaluate geological descriptions and itineraries that have been published on the GEOCAMP website under the guide format. This is a section of free access for anyone.
  • Edit, within the framework of a defined template, original itineraries and descriptions of geological places of interest around the world. This editing tool requires a free prior registration and implies acceptance of the regulations for the use of GEOCAMP.

GEOCAMP is a project open to contributions that professionals or teachers of Earth Sciences want to make. The contents of the portal, the itineraries, the links are in permanent "construction". We invite you to improve it and make it grow so that it becomes a useful tool, alive and within everyone's reach. You can send us your comments and proposals to: